Varaždin Woodwind & Brass

Awards in each category are made by a jury:
1st Prize – to all participants who score 95 – 100 points
2nd Prize – to all participants who score 90 – 94.99 points
3rd Prize – to all participants who score 85 – 89.99 points
Several special prizes can also be awarded by the Jury.

All participants who score up to 85 points will receive a participation certificate.
The Jury will choose one competitor from every discipline who will perform at the final contest, and the winner of the final contest will be presented as the competition laureate.

The competition laureate will receive a €300 cash prize, other special prizes and will perform at the Final concert.


Varaždin Woodwind & Brass Grand Prix

After the second round the Jury decides on awards with a score from 1 to 100. Only awards are announced. All participants of the second stage receive a certificate of participation in the finals. Special prizes may also be awarded by the Jury.

The competition officially ends with the Final concert, where all the laureates of the competition are obliged to perform. Otherwise, they lose the right to be awarded.

Prizes: The Jury will award three prizes which cannot be shared.

1st Prize – cash award amounting to €1,500
2nd Prize – cash award amounting to €1,000
3rd Prize – cash award amounting to €700.

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